

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 30
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 176cm
Gewicht 69kg
Figur durchschnittlich
Sexualität lesbisch
Augenfarbe blau
Haarfarbe andere
Haarlänge medium
Typ Europäer
Persönlichkeit intellektuell
Religion Agnostiker
Identität Tomboy
Behaarung rasiert
Sternzeichen Wassermann

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


You adhere to a set of standards and tastes that appear to be determined by an unseen panel of hipster judges giving a thumbs up or thumbs down to incoming and outgoing trends and styles of music and art . Go analog, baby. You're SO post modern.
The name is Alissa. I blow out candles on the sixteenth of February. I'm not skinny but i'm not fat, I have hips. I am tall. Don't say 'hey wow, you're tall' to me because it's kind of obvious and we most likely will not be very good of friends. I currently have no reason to hate my life/complain about the world like most of the attention craving teenage population. But that doesn't mean I can't have my "moods". I see no reason in hating people, but it's impossible to love everyone. I do lame things, like lame things, like lame people, watch lame things, say lame things, because I'm lame and I don't think those things are lame. I am very straight forward. Dont take it as me being mean. I'm constantly changing my mind, contradicting myself, and being a girl. It's just how I work. I've changed alot in the past few years, and I want to keep changing. I'm normally not very good at writing these About Me's. Talk to me, I can hold a conversation for hours. verspricht...

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icon-wio Alissa_Bunge hat neue Fotos hochgeladen
  • 07.01.2010 22:46:24
  • Frau (30)
  • Lombard
  • Single
  • Alissa_Bunge
  • Alissa_Bunge