

Geschlecht Mann
Alter 34
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität schwul
Persönlichkeit liebevoll
Sternzeichen Zwilling

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Very Caring and fun-loving. Great sense of humour, Observant, caring, confident, energetic, Enthusiastic, Generous, Good-hearted, Handsome, Hardworking, Loving, Outgoing and well-groomed.

Life is short so break the rules, forgive quickly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.

Looking for;

willingness to share, whether it's a meal or his ice cream or his chocolate, especially his chocolate,
A good listener, good conversationalist
Motivation to move -- no slugs, A slug is one of those guys whose idea of a relaxing afternoon is sprawling on the couch with one leg down the length of the sofa and the other propped on the coffee table, wearing holey sweats and armed with the remote.
Motivated is a man who sits with you on the couch and perhaps invites you to snuggle. motivated?
That's a man who knows what he wants and, what's more, what it takes to get it.
And if you've gotta ask, well then...I'm sorry.

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  • 13.01.2011 21:28:31
  • Mann (34)
  • Knowsley
  • Single
  • Antony_Nelson