

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 41
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität bisexuell
Persönlichkeit romantisch
Identität Tomboy
Sternzeichen Wassermann

Über mich

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Ich suche nach


how can you love me if you dont love your self
My name is Ashley most call me Ash or Miss Ashley. My personality is a little on the wierd side,Im goofy when I want to be some times at the wrong time but i have a very serious side most ppl that know me knows that it exsists and doesnt give me crap about it.Im a super sweet heart and I love to make ppl laugh Sensitive as hell and still hard as rock dont take crap from noone.Im very work oriented dont miss a day and for that i am in a very good postion and climbing.I love to hang out with ppl that like to have fun and arnt afraid to try new things after all I am a pisces.
I have two very good friends in this world one of them lives in the same town as me and the other live 4 hours away.Charise lives here in cr and she is my main we together all the time im looking for friends/relationships that can except that.Other than that i love to just be me mom work shop etc verspricht...

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