

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 35
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Sternzeichen Fische

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I'm always gullible in my relationships because I assume you should always be truthful to the person you claim to love. I guess that's just my down fall -.-

I am reckless and i have yet to find someone who'll keep up with me.
Currently reside in the middle of the woods in Africa.
I do not entertain stupidity.
I haatteeee the word "whatever"
I'm not easy to get, or understand.
Mtn dew&&Cigarette junkie.
Got my shit straight..except for this orientation thing...(for those of You who didn't understand that.. PUN INTENDED).
I've been gay since everyone lost there cooties.
My life is strung out all over the United States.
Smoking, making music, taking over the world.
Women are my drug of choice.
I've lost and regained hope in humanity more than a few times.
Tatted and pierced-neeeeeeeeeeddd more.
I'm impatient, yet annoyed easily.
Looks of my grandmother; personality of my father.
I cuss like a sailor, spit like a man, and never know how to sit like a l verspricht...

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  • 27.09.2011 1:09:17
  • Frau (35)
  • Franklin
  • Single
  • Devon_Mannasmith