

Geschlecht Mann
Alter 47
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität schwul
Sternzeichen Jungfrau

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I am a 35 year old divorced father of 3. I have just recently come out and I couldnt be happier with who I am today. I studied Culinary Arts at The Art Institute of Atlanta. I love to make Neapolitan pizza from scratch. It dont take much to make me happy. I like to sit home and watch movies cuddle and be held "is that so Wrong"? I also like to play Basketball and softball, Im good at sinkin the 3 and I can knock a few out of the park, so dont knock me for my soft side. Im just a big kid at heart. I love to swing on the swings at the park with the kids and ride the trails on the Mtn. Bike. My favorite music is funky stuff like Red Hot Chili Peppers or Brad. I love Comedy most of all cuz they say laughter is the best medicine and I think it may be. I do like action films too especially Stephen Segal, hes a badass. I have a severe Crush on Apolo Ohno, and if I ever met him I would probably have a breakdown.

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  • 25.09.2011 4:29:22
  • Mann (47)
  • Vincennes
  • Single
  • Dusty_Joe_Burke