

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 44
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Sternzeichen Wassermann

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Well, After years of knocking it, I seem to have found myself living in deepest darkest West Wales, and now about to move to Camarthen. So it would be great to meet new people and grow new friendships. Fot some time I have been stuck in the spinster frame of mind, but recently I´m feeling like I´m ready to step away from that, so whilst primarily here to make new friends, I guess it would be nice to meet someone to share more special things in life with. Feeling good after learning lots though I dare say there´s more to learn.

I love working hard- I´m kinda out doorsy and generally work with four legged beast. I can be very serious when needed to be, I like putting the world to rights, however, I like to be very silly and let my hair down from time to time. I don´t often have the time to do that but that´s something I´m working on.

I love going to see my fave bands/singers and always looking for an excuse for a road trip or camping holiday. I love my dog and my pig, however I l

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