

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 47
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 172cm
Gewicht 73kg
Figur durchschnittlich
Sexualität lesbisch
Haarfarbe rot
Haarlänge lang
Typ Europäer
Nationalität Deutsch
Persönlichkeit witzig
Sternzeichen Jungfrau
Raucher versuche aufzuhören
Tattoos wenige

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." ~Buddha
Well I'm Jenn. I have 3 beautiful, funny, and sometimes spoiled/bratty kids. But their my world!! They came 1st in my life for a very long time and I would do anything for them. And still would.. but to a point. I have realized that, as they are my children. I still need to come first, I need to be happy. I tried making everyone else happy for so long. And finally at 32 I can say I like my life. I'm happy about who I am. There is always room for change. And I like change actually. I have roomates.. and next yr I plan on buying a house of my own. Finally! So other than my babies, I do enjoy a lot of things. I would like to share these things with a friend or more. I don't have many friends here in RI.. and def haven't met anyone yet, I really connect with. This is what I'm hoping to find someday!! I'm ready!! verspricht...

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icon-wio Jennifer_Carr hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 19.03.2009 4:23:20
  • Frau (47)
  • Kent
  • Single
  • Jennifer_Carr
icon-wio Jennifer_Carr hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 15.03.2009 4:34:14
  • Frau (47)
  • Kent
  • Single
  • Jennifer_Carr