

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 31
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Nationalität Amerikanisch
Sternzeichen Waage

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Hold me tight when I ask you to?
Be there when I need you?
Help me when I need a clue?
Always give me the love I seek?
Kiss me gently on my cheek?
Catch me when my knees go weak?
Wipe away my every tear?
Whisper softly in my ear?
ect. ect.
UMPIE!! im 17, jr at vhs.i blow my candles out on 0ctober 8th..i have one tattoo... no peircings..but soon.. im nawt your average day on the block rookie. i have my ups my downs like everyone else. i take wild and amazing chances in life. and i dont regrete any of them.I've learned that in life things rarely turn out the way you want them to be; instead they turn out how they need to be regardless of your emotion about it.I realize that life continues to bring you different paths to choose and while it has led me to the current one I am on, I live with no regrets. I have people that I care so much about, and I only intend the best for them. And no matter what anyone says, I continue to find myself in deep love. And while life is the tough journey itself, I try my hardest to keep my strength up. to fight for what i want when i want looking forward to what life brings to me in the future. and i wanna be with someone special. someone i can have and hold. could yew be the one<3 verspricht...

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  • 23.11.2009 2:18:50
  • Frau (31)
  • Placentia
  • Single
  • Jessica_Fight