

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 32
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität bisexuell
Nationalität Philippinisch
Persönlichkeit kokett
Religion New age
Sternzeichen Wassermann

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Man is immortal; therefore he must die endlessly. For life is a creative idea; it can only find itself in changing forms
dislikes:Guys/girls who cheat
When the bottom of my jeans get wet eww
Bad hair days
Girls who dont take care of them self yuck
Being unhappy.
Not getting my way
Being wrong.
Gangsters/ballas/Thugs gross.
Being ignored.
people who drive slow in the fast lane
People who Lie about stupid shit
When guys or girls flirt with people and lead them on when they have a someone
Learn to be faithful or just stay single
People who only think of themselfs
people who talk behind your back but kiss ass to your face
Drunk people who act dumb.
Guys who beat girls
Seeing people sad.
People who fight Pitbulls
When people text you 100x take a damn hint.
Being flaked on
When you say you'll call back and dont.
Hanging up on someone grow up!
pee's ewww
Cold nose & ears.

Likes:The desert
Late nights
Camp fires
The smell of juicey
Java monsters
Long conversations
Road trips
White verspricht...

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