

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 35
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität bisexuell
Sternzeichen Stier

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


People say i have a bubbly personality. Im a little out of control and never too serious. I always speak my mind and if you dont like it then fuck off. I love pink and Batmanis my hero. I can be immature when i want to be and thats when im the most fun. im really shy until you get to know me then...look out! I dont care what other peole think about me if you dont like me or think im a bitch then i guess im doing my job at being a woman right?! im conceited...i know im hot and if u dont agree i dont wanna know u! I hate fat people and sloppy people.I love blowing bubbles! Im a neat freak! ORGANIZATION...ok so really random i am but hey its all good! I just recently decided to completely give up men...ive been bi for years but men suck and chicks are way better in bed! so theres a lil bout wanna kno more or see more pic jus ask! if interested email sexy.kitty1989@ hot mail verspricht...

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