

Geschlecht Mann
Alter 64
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität schwul
Sternzeichen Zwilling

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I'm looking for someone extraordinary. Not perfect, just perfect for me. Someone who wants to learn about one another, has a passion for living, traveling and experiencing life to its fullest. I don't play games, or mislead people, always have a polite delivery, and act gentleman like. You - available, looking to share your life with someone who enjoys being a man. I love to cook as well as try new resturants and I take pride in entertaining friends. Traveling is a passion for me. I enjoy Cabo as well as trips to wine county/San Francisco as well as overseas. I am social, love going out, would like to meet and spend time with your friends, but love staying home and watching HBO just as much. I enjoy having a life/friends both in LA/Palm Desert and and travel back and forth often. Hopefully my mate will enjoy this as well.

Auf findest du viele geile Kerle aus Austell und Umgebung. Auch bietet dir ein schönes schwules Forum
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  • 17.10.2012 6:29:41
  • Mann (64)
  • Austell
  • Single
  • Lawson_Josh