

Geschlecht Mann
Alter 52
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität schwul
Sternzeichen Jungfrau

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I hope that as this written conversation unfolds in the *sparkle of your eyes, it finds you well and in good spirits. If what I have to say interests you, a letter in response would be “greatly” appreciated. My only intention is of gaining your friendship.
I enjoy writing, reading, exercising, music, decorating, and television. Sorry, but there isn’t much to enjoy here in my world. Though today’s news is sad, so much violence and destruction out there, sometimes I feel as if maybe I’m safer in here! Sports are okay, but the last time I tried playing football I caught the football and ran in the wrong direction. Yes, other’s laughed at me and I never played again. I’m sensitive in some ways.
Many of us go through all kinds of trials in our lives, but life wasn’t meant to be so complicated. We’re not alone, so here I am as a friend to go through troubled times with you. I hope and pray that my being incarcerated doesn’t affect my chances of getting to know you.
I w


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  • 09.03.2013 0:45:55
  • Mann (52)
  • Pontiac
  • Single
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  • Mario_Soto_63678