

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 51
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 161cm
Gewicht 84kg
Figur groß
Sexualität lesbisch
Augenfarbe braun
Haarfarbe braun
Haarlänge medium
Typ Latino
Nationalität Mexikaner
Persönlichkeit liebevoll
Identität Bärenfreundin
Behaarung rasiert
Sternzeichen Schütze
Raucher ja
Tattoos Nein

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Life is to short to harp on bullshit....

Blessed daily and grateful for my blessings...

It is what it is, and will always be what it is...
Single chicano woman with 3 kids loving life @ all times. Tired of bullshit and lies....Drama free Drug free as well as STD free..So if that what you on good for you just don't bring it this way... I am looking for someone to make me smile harder than I normally do with my kids..I don't need your money nor your car..I live alone with my kids and have my own car...I enjoy all kinds of family outings and activities. Not really into bar or club hoppin, however would go if that special someone wanted me to.. If there is anything else you want to know hit my NBOX and we can chat...Till then smooches verspricht...

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icon-wio Mary_Zornoza hat neue Fotos hochgeladen
  • 14.07.2010 21:43:06
  • Frau (51)
  • Chicago
  • Single
  • Mary_Zornoza
  • Mary_Zornoza