

Geschlecht Mann
Alter 31
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität schwul
Sternzeichen Widder

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Hello, and welcome to my profile. I have no idea why you bothered to waste your time by coming here, but whatever not like you're wasting my time. There are a few points you should now about me, I suppose.

-I am very protective over those that I love.
-My style of writing is so recognizable, I am incapable of writing anonymously to my friends.
-I am honest when you ask, and have no problem telling you that you look like shit.
-If I had a boyfriend, I would want to be able to just hold him for hours.
-I strongly believe that sex should be saved until after marriage, and even then I make no promises to having it myself.
-My best friend and I can practically talk to each other without uttering a sound.
-I will occasionally begin to speak in Spanish, and many of my thoughts start out as Spanish words.
-If I could, I would wear hoodies all day, every day


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  • 21.05.2012 19:24:11
  • Mann (31)
  • Atco
  • Single
  • Matthew_Luker