

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 40
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Persönlichkeit liebevoll
Identität Bärenfreundin
Sternzeichen Widder

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


"when u embark for a revenge trip,,dig 2 graves..""..I've learnt that learning to forgive takes practice..and it's a hard course..",,"Suffering is not a's a consequence.."...
dunno how to be plastic. but im pretty chill so i dont hold grudges or go around fighting everyone..i also dont care too much bout what people think, so if you hate me dont bother. i love laughing. i hate bad vibes and conflicts. i love animals. i hate people who bitch about ppl behind their back and dont come up front with it.i love being awake really early in the morning when its still quiet, watching everything wake up and the day slowly brighten. i hate being forced to wake up early. i love people who dont judge or close their minds. i hate ppl who hate something just to be rebellious and cool. verspricht...

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icon-wio Maya_Mansour hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 21.01.2010 0:39:17
  • Frau (40)
  • La Zubia
  • Single
  • Maya_Mansour