

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 33
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 169cm
Gewicht 67kg
Figur Bauch
Sexualität pansexuell
Augenfarbe grün
Haarfarbe schwarz
Haarlänge medium
Typ Europäer
Nationalität Amerikanisch
Persönlichkeit witzig
Religion Atheist
Behaarung leicht behaart
Sternzeichen Krebs
Raucher ja
Tattoos wenige

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


"i object you reality and substitute my own" -mythbusters
im a really fun, outgoing, weird, random, energetic, loving, smart and mature 20 year old woman. i have no kids. i love laughing and sunshine and mountain dew. im a little nerdy; i like anime, comics, marvel, video games, adult swim, mmorpg, reading, movies, and MUSIC! im a big goof ball, and have been told i think like a guy. i consider myself awesome, and still know i am not perfect. i love piercings, like tattoos. its not a matter of pain, but art. i enjoy talking online and hanging out, but dont care to talk on phones. i do not believe in and wont own a cell phone. i have gross humor, so if i offend you its not done intentionally and i mean no harm. i love everyone. i am not one to judge people. my goal in life is live it. i dont want to just get by, i want to enjoy every beat my heart makes. i have slight OCD. i love chatting and sometimes have trouble talking about myself, thus the short choppy sentences. if there is anything additional you would like to know please ask me! verspricht...

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icon-wio Megg_Jager hat neue Fotos hochgeladen
  • 14.07.2010 19:52:46
  • Frau (33)
  • Lucas
  • Single
  • Megg_Jager
  • Megg_Jager
  • Megg_Jager