

Geschlecht Mann
Alter 38
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität bisexuell
Sternzeichen Löwe

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


First off, I am NOT a regular guy--what ever that is--you can interpret that for yourself. I am far from normal--whatever that is---you can interpret that one too.
I personally don't believe in "normal".
I like exploring new things and doing the unusual.
I like drinking coffee in the middle of the night.
I like waking up early to watch the sunrise.
I like kissing for hours at a time, I also like to cuddle.(ok,
I listed this one as being unusual, because most people just want sex.)
I like standing in an open field during a lightning storm.
I like being out in the rain for hours.
I like loving someone that no one else will love, I like
arguing religion and poilitics just to piss people off.
I super-analyze everything, and I am very judgemental.
I don't like drama and I don't like rude people.
I may come across as being arrogant, but I will disagree,
and say I'm being truthful. If you can handle the truth,
then you are more than worthy to be my friend. If you can't
handle the

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  • 04.02.2013 23:11:26
  • Mann (38)
  • Denver
  • Single
  • Mike_Ryan_63457