

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 39
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 160cm
Gewicht 49kg
Figur schlank
Sexualität lesbisch
Typ Asiate
Nationalität Philippinisch
Persönlichkeit witzig
Religion Buddhist
Sternzeichen Fische
Raucher Nein
Tattoos Nein

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


"It's better to be love for who you are, not for what other people wants you to yourself, be free from fear"
Funny that's what most people describe me..I love to make people laugh..

Simple. Someone who you can share your thoughts with coz I'm very open minded and I keep secrets.

World we live in is a new step everyday..with that everyday I would like to explore it's greatness in life with someone I could love and make her happy.

My friends and family says that I'm very sweet, caring and romantic in a kind of way. I like things to go simple and gentle without any rush and try not to think of the negatives things that had happened in the past.

Living life as time goes by without too much worries!!! verspricht...

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  • 07.06.2010 15:16:06
  • Frau (39)
  • Sydney
  • Single
  • Miki_Ongkingco