

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 47
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Sternzeichen Steinbock

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


You will have 2 get in touch 2 find out anything about me sorry but im not the typ 2 sit here and write about my self! But look forward 2 meeting knew people...Jez it keeps saying i need 2 write a bit more lol ok im Irish and live in leeds and love yorkshire people hence why i live over here..Still it wants me 2 write more this is not working out the way i thought it would by keeping it short and sweet lol Ok lets do it then i like meeting new people and am easy going am at an age where i dont care much for drama in my life more so gay drama does kinda drain the life out of if there is anyone out there that feels hay i like the sound of her then please get in touch ...Okay still it wants more got more 2 write before i cant post this haha oh lets keep it basic then i from Galway the west of Ireland and have 2 say it has to be the most beautiful place in Ireland all that come from the city pf the tribes as thay say are friendly people that love life and all it has 2 offer the end verspricht...

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  • 30.05.2011 20:12:54
  • Frau (47)
  • Leeds
  • Single
  • Missy_Finnerty