

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 34
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität pansexuell
Sternzeichen Löwe

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


The best part about finding someone you truly love and care for, is having the ability to now try and make all of THEIR dreams come true instead of your own. You want to see them smile, you crave the sound of their laugh. You’re constantly trying to find ways to make their lives a little bit easier, all the while expecting nothing in return but their happiness and the knowledge that you’re the one who created it.

Every human being has the ability to be extraordinary, and extraordinary is exactly what I intend to be.

I am grateful for the heart that beats within my chest, the brain that resides within my skull, and the imagination that is rooted within my soul. Without any of the three, I would cease to exist, and my existence on this Earth, is something I will eternally be grateful for. Such an empowerment it is to wake up every morning with the promise of a new day, a fresh start, and the ability to look at my life from any perspective that I choose. verspricht...

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