

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 48
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 158cm
Figur mollig
Sexualität bisexuell
Augenfarbe braun
Haarfarbe schwarz
Haarlänge kurz
Nationalität Kanadier
Persönlichkeit bitchy
Religion Hindu
Identität queer
Sternzeichen Wassermann
Raucher ja
Tattoos viele

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I will poison all your Apples
I am what I am, and what you see is what you get. and While my truth is at times, worse than any lie, I find it best to be honest and damn what other people might think. I'd rather eat Celery, than ever tell a lie to another person, while it looks nice in writing, it's harder to do in real life. Finding a balance between speaking your truth and not hurting someone else is hard...but I always, try my best to be honest and kind, which is a lesson in anger management even on the best of days because most people sleep better with lies to keep them warm, than cold undeniable truths. People really don't like the truth, they say they do...but we all know that is a lie as well.

I don't believe in Grammar and I type like I talk. If it's good enough for Christopher Walkin, it's good enough for me. verspricht...

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  • 16.03.2009 7:37:00
  • Frau (48)
  • Edmonton
  • Single
  • Nikita_Volkova
  • Nikita_Volkova
  • Nikita_Volkova