

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 53
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 153cm
Gewicht 67kg
Figur durchschnittlich
Sexualität lesbisch
Augenfarbe blau
Haarfarbe braun
Haarlänge medium
Typ Europäer
Nationalität Amerikanisch
Persönlichkeit romantisch
Identität Bärenfreundin
Outing überall geoutet
Sternzeichen Wassermann
Raucher versuche aufzuhören
Tattoos wenige

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


He's not going to give me something I can't handle.
Wow what to write here I always hate having to tell about me. I am a 41 year old lesbian. I have four children Chelsea 20, Cody 19, Killian 16 and Kieran 15. My daughter lives with me and my sons live with their father.

I don't have anyone in my life right now but would love to find that woman that wants to be my partner. I am always open to meeting new people.

I'm pretty simple it doesn't take much to make me happy. Just someone that loves me and only me as well as truthfulness and not keeping things from me.

I am a hopeless romantic. I do tend to be very jealous when it comes to being with someone. I expect them to let me know what is going on. Once I have found that person that takes my breath away I tend to be clingy and want to spend time with them. I will be the first to tell anyone these things. Like I said no hiding things is very important. verspricht...

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