

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 46
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Nationalität Grossbritannien
Persönlichkeit liebevoll
Identität einfach ich
Outing überall geoutet
Sternzeichen Schütze

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I´m putting out a world wide web bulletin to get everyone´s help. You see, I´ve lost my smile. I´m not really myself without it. I have a couple leads that give me hope that it may have been found, including a vague description. She appears to be between 26 and 45 years old, but may appear younger than her age. She at least 5´6". She has a down-to-earth attitude, values, and personality. She loves to have fun and may be found at concerts. I have conflicting reports that she´s either a blonde or a brunette. She´s intelligent with her own career and not dependent on someone to support her. If this person can be found, I can offer a reward of lifetime devotion, long, slow kisses that last for days, midnight massages, a partner that loves to cook and doesn´t mind sharing in the household chores, someone to wash your back, a shoulder to lean on, and someone who will hold you at night. If you think you may have found my smile, please forward all CV´s to me as I really need it to be myse verspricht...

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