

Geschlecht Trans*
Alter 33
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität pansexuell
Sternzeichen Stier

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Hi i am a female to male transgender named ryan, my birth name was paige.
I like anime specifically loveless, chobits, tegami bachi, naruto, and pandora hearts
For music i like muse, switchfoot (i have met and talked to switchfoot twice, they even sent me a cd of theirs), lindsey stirling, and blackmill
For movies i love the hobbit movies, i like lord of the rings, life is beautiful, and shaolin
I am learning chinese. Its not hard to learn the grammar but i admit the written part throws me through a loop sometimes.
Anything else just ask.


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  • 18.01.2014 8:57:27
  • Trans* (33)
  • Rochester
  • Single
  • Ryan_Rivard