

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 49
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Sternzeichen Widder

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I'm Sandra Gary.I live in Arlington Virginia Born in Canada...I'm into Buying and bidding for Antiques and Gold..
I'm a complicated enigma. I'm funny, passionate, loud, political, and opinionated (my personality in a nutshell). At times I can be tons of fun and quite wild. At other times, mellow, and quiet. I'm extremely loyal, but once I'm done, I'm done. I laugh easily, and I can usually find humor in most things. I have a short fuse, but I forgive easily and quickly. I'm over it in 5 minutes or less. I am open to love but not looking. I picked lesbian because I'm only interested in women. I picked femme, because I can do anything in 5 inch heels. I don't necessarily have a type, I love all women, from the lip stick lesbian to the butch. I love humor and confidence. Make me laugh and I'm yours. I believe in honesty, commitment, and respect, but not traditional monogamy. I strongly dislike rules, labels, or boxes. I'm a free thinker and enjoy being outside the box. I don't want to fit verspricht...

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  • 14.12.2011 3:04:10
  • Frau (49)
  • Arlington
  • Single
  • Sandra_Gary