

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 41
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Nationalität Schwedisch
Sternzeichen Stier

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


"The strongest among you may not wear a crown" Three Doors Down
Well, I'm a strong, loyal chica, quirky sense of humor, a friend of mine describes me as a sensual being, and that fits too. When i love i love hard. I have a temper, altho its slow to ignite. I have a little boy, and he is the center of my world. I love all sorts of things, and i am always willing to try something new.I'm 5'10", short black hair, really great blue eyes, but they sometimes change color, mile long legs(my best two features, legs n eyes) and a nice round (but small) butt. I have 6 tattoos, a piercing in my belly button. I love the dark and twisted, but need tenderness and caring as well. I am in the process of discovering my creative self. I am a Professional Dominant, and part time model. No idea what most of the camp terms mean, nut ive never liked labels anyways. Im bisexual, have always been very equal opportunity, but really not interested in dealing with men these days, other than at work. I want a woman for myself. verspricht...

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  • 28.01.2009 9:17:51
  • Frau (41)
  • Edmonton
  • Single
  • Sara_Schram