

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 37
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität bisexuell
Sternzeichen Jungfrau

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I'm a 26 year old Sociology Major at APSU in TN. I'm a major supporter of Gay rights and equality, even if I'm a broke college student without any money to donate to the cause. My Facebook page is always lit up with articles and messages about gay rights issues, and recent updates on our political opponents (even if I hate politics in general). I dress and act like a tomboy, but have a rather surprising fem streak; I'm shy at first but then when I'm comfortable I seemingly never shut up; I come off as polite, almost formal, at times but I tend to swear like a sailor at others; I have "issues" with relationships, probably because I've never really had one; Even though my bio says "Bisexual" it's more like the "Lesbian, with just a hint of Bisexual" end of the spectrum, past issues and lack of experience making me reluctant to claim full either way (I DO know I will always choose a chick over a guy); I like knowing people even though I can be a recluse. verspricht...

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  • 16.12.2011 22:40:47
  • Frau (37)
  • Davidson
  • Single
  • Sarah_Huff