

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 54
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Nationalität Grossbritannien
Sternzeichen Widder

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


wot goes around comes around
just a lil bit of a strange tart id like to say im funny, amuseing, smart, honest, geuine, n the rest ov the crap that ppl say on profiles to big them self up... but if u want honest here goes .. 0 to bitch in 0. 5 secs if im pissed off, but very loving n mushy if im in the mood but thats not often feelings came of reduced shelf. Im very independent but also like to be fussed over n spoilt. I try to be a tough lil cookie but must be choc chip cos got lots ov soft spots that melt if held right. I am chatty and like to think witty n fun .. leave that to others to decide... i am loyal to ppl who deserve it.. and this must pay off cos i have some realy gud friends... i like to have fun n always up for a laugh but happy wiv my own company n space, not desparate for attention all the time... I still like all the childish things like swings n food fights n can be quite silly sumtimes if u want sum1 to throw jelly wiv im ur girl...

Well I guess I should confess that I am starting to get old verspricht...

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  • 10.05.2011 22:39:48
  • Frau (54)
  • Doncaster
  • Single
  • Shan_Hawley