

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 40
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 153cm
Figur Bauch
Sexualität bisexuell
Augenfarbe braun
Haarfarbe braun
Haarlänge rasiert
Typ Latino
Nationalität Mexikaner
Persönlichkeit liebevoll
Religion Katholisch
Behaarung rasiert
Sternzeichen Löwe
Raucher ja
Tattoos wenige

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


"Never refuse temptation for it may not pass your way again"
I'm a single mother of two, a 7yr old son and a 8 month old daughter. I'm normally not a very out going person, and I've ultimatelly isolated myself so I'm trying to change that. I am a very brutally honest person, though, so I wouldn't suggest asking for my oppinion if you don't want the truth. Unfortunately my home life is complicated...very complicated. Since I am a single stay at home mom I don't have much of a social life, but I do enjoy going out. I think the thing I enjoy doing the most, is hanging out with good friends and having a few drinks. verspricht...

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  • 13.01.2010 8:11:02
  • Frau (40)
  • Chandler
  • Single
  • Sheila_Olvera