

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 32
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 177cm
Gewicht 64kg
Sexualität bisexuell
Augenfarbe braun
Haarfarbe braun
Typ Latino
Nationalität Mexikaner
Religion Agnostiker
Sternzeichen Schütze

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I smoke dank and love beer. Im never satisfied and am always on a mission. I'm not the girl you bring home to sit, cuddle, and watch a movie. I feed off the vibes of others so you show me a good time and I'll show you a better one. I got big goals and dreams in life I'm not willing to give up. I know I'm gonna make shit happen, no doubt about it. I do what i want when i want, no matter the consequence. This can end up being fun as fuck or the stupidest shit ever, either way im down for the ride. Respect should be a constant. No one has to experience my angry side as long as you're not completely ignorant. Quick thinkers and sarcastic assholes seem to be my crowd. But a sweetheart who can hang, i wouldn't kick out of bed. Im prone to a crazy lifestyle, but having those moments to settle down in wouldn't be too bad. verspricht...

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icon-wio Tahnee_Reyes hat neue Fotos hochgeladen
  • 16.12.2009 9:58:50
  • Frau (32)
  • Placentia
  • Single
  • Tahnee_Reyes
  • Tahnee_Reyes
  • Tahnee_Reyes