

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 32
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 154cm
Gewicht 47kg
Figur schlank
Sexualität bisexuell
Augenfarbe braun
Haarfarbe braun
Haarlänge kurz
Religion Katholisch
Sternzeichen Schütze
Raucher Nein

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Life. Its too fucking crazyyy. I love it!!
The name is teresa, tessa for short. Unfortunately i have to many nicknames to list. Im a generally a fun, cool, chill person. Im all about the loud and crazyyy scene with friends. Family always come first, they mean the world. Im currently not attending high school but working on my GED and <3ing every minute of it. Im 18 years young and i blow out my candles every year on Dec. 18th :) If you ever need someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, or just a friend im your girl. :) Im a pretty goofy person too therefore people dont usually take me so seriously but its all good. Im into lots of sports but Cross Country is my fave for sure. I like running. I also love to read. Books just take me into a completely different world...and i enjoy that very much. Colors make my world happyyy and thats why i love them all! :) After GED i plan to attend A&M in Galveston to study marine biology and if that doesnt work out for any reason i plan on going into nursing..:) verspricht...

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icon-wio Teresa_Buentello hat neue Fotos hochgeladen
  • 13.01.2010 7:11:07
  • Frau (32)
  • Jim Wells
  • Single
  • Teresa_Buentello
  • Teresa_Buentello
  • Teresa_Buentello