

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 48
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Sternzeichen Schütze

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I am a 35yr old lesbian from sheffield looking for friendship or partnership. I am a shy but fun loving and have a great bubbly personality once i get to know you.I like nights in and nights.
One day i would like to settle down with the right person and make a future together.
Along with the settling relationship i would love to have kids. If the right person comes along with kids i would be quite happy.
My hobby is taking my mates dog a walk and baby sitting my great neice and nephew. When things are quite i enjoy reading and listening to music and a bit of tv.
Idealy i would like someone with as a high sex drive as me, as sex is a very importent part of relationship. My sex life can be very playfull inc toys.
Ideally my ideal women would be medium build,long dark hair, blue eyes as i am only 5ft 2 a shorter women would be prefered but not a issue. My nick name is Titch this profile already explains this lol.
Carnt wait for meeting dating and other aspects to roll in verspricht...

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  • 09.09.2011 12:07:19
  • Frau (48)
  • Rotherham
  • Single
  • Tina_Hara