

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 38
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 168cm
Gewicht 88kg
Figur Bauch
Sexualität bisexuell
Augenfarbe braun
Haarfarbe hellbraun
Haarlänge kurz
Typ Europäer
Persönlichkeit witzig
Identität burschikos
Behaarung glatt
Sternzeichen Löwe
Raucher ja
Tattoos eins

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Sexual harrassment in this area will not be reported... "HOWEVER IT WILL BE GRADED"

  • I am a proud Bi mother of 2 BEAUTIFUL gurls I am Independent and I work hard 4 wat I want I am Money motivated I am focused and if I want it and put my mind 2 it, I always get it I am sensitive, But very Strong I am Sweet But really dont EVER test me I am Sexxy and very Beautiful Spontanious and outgoing, I like to have a good time and laugh wit my friends and family I am good hearted to the people I love,like, n trust But N da end I AM JUST ME!!!!!!* Dat is all I can really Honestly be!!!!!!!
    ..... I love 2 go out @ da bars n clubs wit my friends drinkin n dancin.......... If u think u r the gurl fo me den let me know i want a affectinate person nt afraid 2 do n e thang n public n yes i am married 2 a guy. n have 2 gurls bt i do still have a life of my own 2. verspricht...

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icon-wio Trisha_Frank hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 28.05.2010 2:11:07
  • Frau (38)
  • Cutten
  • Single
  • Trisha_Frank