

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 38
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 152cm
Sexualität lesbisch
Augenfarbe hasel
Haarfarbe hellbraun
Haarlänge medium
Persönlichkeit bitchy
Sternzeichen Jungfrau
Raucher versuche aufzuhören
Tattoos wenige

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


" I was floating in a peaceful sea, rescued by a sinking ship"
I am a 24 yr. old mother to a wonferful little girl and wife to the most amazing woman I have ever met. Just to be clear, I am NOT looking for someone to hook up with or anything of the sort. I am very happy with my wife. I am on here just to find fellow lesbians in my area. It's almost like lesbians don't exist in Norman. lol. Ok, a lil more about me. I am an Esthetician at a beautful salon called Sun Spa. I know what you're thinking, "What's an esthetician?" Don't worry, I get it all the time. lol. I do skin care, Makeup Artistry FULL Body waxing including Brazilian. And lots more. You should come see me. I'm the best around!! Okay, now that I've tooted my own horn. lol.. If you want to know anything else about me just ask. verspricht...

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icon-wio Tristen_Hope hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 03.02.2010 15:42:59
  • Frau (38)
  • Cleveland
  • Single
  • Tristen_Hope