

Geschlecht Mann
Alter 28
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität schwul
Nationalität Russisch
Persönlichkeit kokett
Outing überall geoutet
Sternzeichen Zwilling

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


My name is Wyatt and I am 15 years old. I am gay, single and looking. I live in Anchorage, AK and only date guys around me. I am easy to get along with, and loving and very kind. I like to joke around sometimes, but never anything mean or rude. Practically everyone in the world knows I am gay :P. I am loud almost all the time but sometimes I will have long periods of silence lol.

What I look for in a guy:

  1. Funniness
  2. A good personality
  3. Cuteness
  4. Trustworthy
  5. Seriousness
  6. He has to like to cuddle
  7. Not afraid to show his feelings for me in public
  8. Someone I can get along with very well.

    Not to much to ask for in a guy :)

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  • 28.08.2011 9:22:12
  • Mann (28)
  • Anchorage
  • Single
  • Wyatt_Doiel
  • Wyatt_Doiel
  • Wyatt_Doiel