

Geschlecht Trans*
Alter 34
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität bisexuell
Sternzeichen Fische

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


Sorry guys, it seems I need to move this to the top:
Deal killers – #1 Drugs, #2 faceless profiles, and #3 people who lie like their profiles - like about their age. If you’re not honest
about that how can I trust anything else you have in your profile?
It seems I am not finding the men that I seek. Perhaps they are not seeking the same things they saw in my profile, or they were not interested.
For starters I am naturally submissive. I’m not an asshole about it, but it is the core of who I am. It fits me like a well-
worn pair of Levis. I have a sense of humor but can be very serious when needed.

Partner für ganz besondere Vorlieben zu finden, ist nirgendwo so einfach, wie auf Knackige Boys und echte Kerle, verführerische Boys und experimentierfreudige Paare findest du in unserem Dating-Bereich. Du kannst deine individuelle Suche unter “TS sucht sie” oder unter “TS sucht Ihn” schalten.
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  • 14.12.2013 6:32:52
  • Trans* (34)
  • London
  • Single
  • YemDos_Damian