

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 37
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Augenfarbe blau
Haarfarbe blond
Haarlänge lang
Typ Europäer
Persönlichkeit witzig
Identität Bärenfreundin
Outing überall geoutet
Sternzeichen Wassermann
Raucher Nein
Tattoos Nein

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


"Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I've got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible."
-G.B. Shaw
I'm a rather funny and quirky being who enjoys playing with life and being pleasantly surprised by the Universe. I'm a freelance writer and photographer, working at the moment, as more of a photographer's assistant. My greatest achievement would be learning to love and accept myself regardless of what others think of me. I'm a big fan of A Course in Miracles and that type of literature, though I can usually be found reading any type of literature (I read a book a day or every other day). I'm a spiritual person and don't necessarily identify with one particular faith because I've been influenced by so many. I'm also passionate about my activity in the LGBT community and am a member of The Pride Committee of Peel.

These sections are tricky because they tell you how I see me, not necessarily how you might see me upon getting to know me so feel free to send me a message if you want to get to know me better. :) verspricht...

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icon-wio Cheryl_Costello hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 09.08.2012 16:15:17
  • Frau (37)
  • Brampton
  • Single
  • Cheryl_Costello
icon-wio Cheryl_Costello hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 05.04.2010 14:03:27
  • Frau (37)
  • Brampton
  • Single
  • Cheryl_Costello