

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 34
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 166cm
Gewicht 84kg
Figur groß
Sexualität lesbisch
Augenfarbe schwarz
Haarfarbe schwarz
Haarlänge kurz
Typ Afrikaner
Nationalität Amerikanisch
Persönlichkeit intellektuell
Identität Tomboy
Behaarung rasiert
Sternzeichen Löwe
Raucher ja
Tattoos wenige

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I have goals and I going after them
Im the type of woman that likes to handle mine I don't need anyone around me that can't speak proper english all that slang is just hard to understand so please come correct. Well I'm in College thank God for getting me here. I am a double major Sports Management and Sports Communications at Coker College in Hartsville, SC, but I'm a GEORGIA PEACH!. I love basketball all the way!!!! I play it for fun and I am the manger for our lady cobras!!!. I'm smart and not to be mean I do not need a dumb person in my life. I do not mess with any one who does not have God in their life do not get me wrong I do not judge people who do not believe in him I just pray for them, but I know God is the one man in my life who gets all of my attetion and love. I'm a hard woker so I do not depend on any body, but I would love to have somebody around in my life. verspricht...

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  • 28.01.2009 9:51:01
  • Frau (34)
  • Kanawha
  • Single
  • Eryka_Sandridge