

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 33
Beziehungsstatus Single
Figur schlank
Sexualität lesbisch
Augenfarbe blau
Haarfarbe braun
Haarlänge lang
Typ Europäer
Nationalität Grossbritannien
Persönlichkeit kokett
Religion Agnostiker
Identität Bärenfreundin
Outing überall geoutet
Sternzeichen Fische
Raucher Nein
Tattoos Nein

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


"This is life, not heaven. You don't have to be perfect." - Gia
Chel. 20. Lesbian singer-songwriter. ♥ I've just got out of a long-term relationship, so am not looking for another one just yet. I thought I'd come on here to meet new people/have fun/discuss the restorative properties of tea or whatever it is one does on these things. ♣ Disclaimer aside, I am an adventurous soul with a passion for learning and trying new things. I'm currently perfecting my cooking skills, and can usually be found with a guitar in my lap, frantically scribbling down lyrics. ♦ I'm a student at Southampton University, currently studying for a BA in Music & English. After this I hope to gain a postgraduate qualification in Primary-level teaching (hopefully at Reading University). My family home is in Bournemouth, so I'm there quite a lot. ♠ I would rather have the truth than something beautiful.

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icon-wio Rachel_Boucher hat neue Fotos hochgeladen
  • 07.11.2011 20:09:17
  • Frau (33)
  • Eastleigh
  • Single
  • Rachel_Boucher
  • Rachel_Boucher
  • Rachel_Boucher
icon-wio Rachel_Boucher hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 13.03.2011 21:50:54
  • Frau (33)
  • Eastleigh
  • Single
  • Rachel_Boucher