

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 36
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Sternzeichen Wassermann

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I adore piercings and tattoos ... and have a couple tattoos myself, along with my tongue and lip pierced. Not saying it's a must, but it's a nice bonus! I understand tattoos and piercings aren't for everyone though.

I'm a geek, but not the closet nerd who has never seen daylight. I am a web developer so I know my way around the web. I love cars, anything technology/gadget related, and American sports :)

I'd love to meet a girl that doesn't take herself seriously. Can go out and have a laugh and not be so in herself that she can't enjoy the smaller things in life.

I dont have a plan, an i'm too laid back to have to worry about most girl dramas. Jealousy and all that other crap is just not needed - although slight jealousy on a girl can sometimes be major cute, but never warranted.

I'd love to meet a girl who's also comfortable in her own skin. I'm a firm believer in the body being a canvas. Tattoos, piercings, outrageous hair, anything and everything.

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  • 27.03.2012 12:34:26
  • Frau (36)
  • Knowsley
  • Single
  • Ruth_Johnson
  • Ruth_Johnson
  • Ruth_Johnson