
Geschlecht Frau
Alter 54
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität lesbisch
Sternzeichen Schütze

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I am a thinker, contemplative and passionate about life. I like simplicity but i also enjoy some glitz every now and again. I am easy going and value trust, loyalty and honesty. I enjoy the outdoors,animals,oating, being near the water/beach, camping, sightseeing, traveling, taking rides to the country, exploring different places, mysterious adventures and cuddling up by the fire and watching a movie or just watching tv with my love.I like to try new things and am very openminded. I am very attentive and like a bit of romanticism. candles, wine and a warm bubble bath shared with my baby and weekend getaways sometimes. I am a giver and put my all into a relationship. I do not play games, lie or cheat and i expect my mate to be the same.I am clean, neat and organized and i dont like drama or drama with ex's---I am a communicator and believe talking things out. never going to bed angry!! I am a lover--and want a lover!!--I am fem-but not submissive moreso n like more dominant verspricht...

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