

Geschlecht Frau
Alter 41
Beziehungsstatus Single
Größe 166cm
Figur groß
Sexualität lesbisch
Augenfarbe braun
Haarfarbe braun
Haarlänge kurz
Typ Europäer
Nationalität Kanadier
Persönlichkeit introvertiert
Religion Spirituell
Outing überall geoutet
Sternzeichen Zwilling
Raucher Nein
Tattoos Nein

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


"You become truthful
You become powerful
You become powerful, you feel gererous
You feel gererous, you give to others
You then become happy
You then become clean
You then become beautiful
And you then make wise decisions."
Be true to your heart, and believe in yourself. Everything else we fall into place!!

I believe in love. I believe in living your truth. I know the most important thing in life is to find happiness in every aspect of your life, its the ultimate goal. The journey is just as important as the destination.

You most definatly can say I am a late bloomer in every aspect of my life.

I am just trying to find a place for myself in this world. I have struggled a lot but... I think I'm certinaly on my way. I believe you need to be gratful for all your expierences, because they have made you into the person you are today.You wouldn't have the GREAT AMAZING SUPER HAPPY times if you didn't have the bad ones. So enjoy life.Go outside and play!!!!

My take on life, is... besides that its all a grieving process... is you know ... try to be as positive as you can... you know. The more... the more happiness you create and the more love... it'll- just- come- back- to - you. verspricht...

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icon-wio Cheryl_Patricia_Morgan hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 05.07.2009 0:46:45
  • Frau (41)
  • Toronto
  • Single
  • Cheryl_Patricia_Morgan
icon-wio Cheryl_Patricia_Morgan hat ein neues Foto hochgeladen
  • 25.05.2009 4:19:25
  • Frau (41)
  • Toronto
  • Single
  • Cheryl_Patricia_Morgan

Mitglieder aus der Region

  • julieee
