

Geschlecht Trans*
Alter 32
Beziehungsstatus Single
Sexualität pansexuell
Sternzeichen Widder

Über mich

Ich suche

Ich suche nach


I'm Kyler McKenna. Because I don't have the necessary means(can't afford) to bind down my chest, when I go out in public, others see me as simply female, even though I'm not. I've been extremely lonely over the past six years, but over the last few days this has gotten increasingly worse. I'm looking for a man who is possibly pansexual or bisexual like myself because I want him to be comfortable with me having a female body yet still being able to say I'm his boyfriend.

I don't like uploading photos of me because I look female in all of them but I can tell you that I'm only 4'11" in height. I have short blond hair and dark, chocolate brown eyes. I wear glasses as well. c: I'm very submissive sexually.

I'm a very snuggly type of guy and because of my loneliness over an extended period of time, I tend to get clingy sometimes, but really all I need is someone to love me and snuggle me and give me kisses. Someone I can talk to. <3

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  • 29.08.2012 6:35:13
  • Trans* (32)
  • Marietta
  • Single
  • Kyler_McKenna