
Geschlecht Mann
Alter 32
Beziehungsstatus Single
Outing nicht geoutet
Sternzeichen Steinbock

Über mich


Hi, I m David Koch working with Masters Trainers International (MTI) as trainer. I enjoy experiencing new technology to develop any kind of business. I am very keen to new technology and its uses in business process. MTI is a leading provider in project management, business analysis, business transformation training and consulting. MTI is a global, project-focused training company, helping people around the world improve the way they manage their projects, contracts, requirements and vendors. MTI provides excellent training to customers to bring knowledge and the skills to reach their business goals. MTI helps and assist customer in anyway possible to become more competitive and keep them abreast of the latest trend in management to be ahead of the competition and create sustainable value for their customers and shareholders.

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